Friday, October 24, 2008

River Vices Election Issue

Vote No on the Marting Building, aka the City Center!

Click the link below to see a pdf version of the special election edition of River Vices, which is being distributed as a newspaper to homes in Portsmouth.

Depending on your browser, you may have to lower the scale down to 75% or 50%. It is best viewed in the Google Chrome browser.

Errata: The blurred lines at the bottom left of page 1 should read "Kalb probably felt like he had been stabbed in the back by the other members of the Building Committee. Kalb got even by forming another committee . . ."  The date on the bottom right of page 1 should read "May 2006," not "May 2004." The percentages in the second paragraph on page 11 should read ".7 to 3.8 mills . . ."